
It was a hard decision for my Dad and brothers to make, but after weighing all their options, they chose to sell the farm to a neighbor. The new owner has big plans for the farm. Plans to only milk cows there. No dry cows, no babies being born, no feed stored on the farm, no workshop, just milk cows.
The day my Dad told me that he sold the farm; came as a huge shock to me. We knew that my Dad wanted to retire soon and my brothers didn't want to continue milking cows. Kevin and I talked about maybe one day moving our milking herd there and using their newer parlor. We discussed many different scenarios over the last couple years, but we never imagined that the whole farm would be sold!
Many emotions filled my heart after I heard the news. I was hurt... never once did we even have a chance at purchasing anything. I was upset... after everything my Great Grandfather, and Grandfather did to start the farm, they were just going to sell it all, and not keep it in the family. I was sad... now there's no chance that my children will ever have a part of their family farm history.
As I pondered all the happenings, and was going through all these emotions, God's still small voice spoke into my heart and reassured me that it's going to be ok. He reminded me that those who trust in the Lord will NEVER lack any good thing! That means if I don't have it right now, I don't need it right now. I have what I need for today. God wants to be my source. I should not be looking to others to fill any needs or wants that I might have. My trust needs to be ONLY in Him.
Now my emotions are... I'm so grateful that my Dad offered us the heifer barns. I'm so thankful that we get to have a piece of the "old farm" on our farm. I'm so happy that my Dad and brothers all get to do something different in life, something that might find them more joy. I'm so excited for what God has planned for Kevin and I as we continue farming and continue expanding so our children have a place to fit in. God will supply all that we need, whether that be more land, cows, barns
I hope this encourages you today. You may be in a place where you thought you had it all figured out, but then something happened and changed all your plans or ideas. If so, just remember that God's plans are ALWAYS bigger and better than our plans. Dream Big, and Don't Limit what God can do for you.
Blessing, Ronda :)