It's Been Awhile!
Hi Friends,
It's been way too long since my last post. Let me get you caught up on the happenings with the family and farm.
This Fall has been one of the nicest Falls that I can remember. Crops all came off in a timely manner. No major breakdowns, or issues happened.
We worked many hours leveling dirt and pouring concrete for our new silage and feed storage area. Still needs more concrete, but that will have to wait until next year.
Chopping corn silage worked out really good. Kevin did most of the chopping, while Sydney, Mackenzie and Myself did the hauling. Ethan did the majority of packing the pile. We even got Sanders out helping drive truck a couple times. He sure was excited about helping.
Speaking of Sanders... Boy oh boy, has that kid grown this year!! Soon he will tower over me, just like all the other kids. He's starting to get creative with his thoughts and ideas. Always wanting to build or experiment with something. His lastest build was a shed for his rabbits to over winter in. He did a great job, all by himself!
Mackenzie started cosmotology school this Fall and she absolutly loves it! We've all taken advatage of her haircutting skills, plus she gets all the extra "practice". She also has a part-time job that keeps her busy when she's not busy with school work.
Ethan is so close to being finished with his restoration project. Earlier this year he bought an El Camino that needed to be completely restored from the ground up. It's been a slow process that he works on whenever he has free time. Other free time is spent in the woods, hunting. Just the other day he got an 8 point buck. Now our freezer is full.
Sydney keeps himself busy with working on the Farm. He is in charge of feeding the cows. Mixing the different ingredients and making sure the Total Mixed Ration is perfect for each group of cows. On top of all that, he has a part time job doing Audio Visual work. He also mantains a small business on Ebay.
On November 7th Kevin and I celebrated another Anniversary!! We've been married for 22 years. Where does the time go?